Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Celebrate Today! The Art of Thanksgiving

It is amazing what two words if said from bottom of our hearts can do. 'Thank you' the words are simple and even a cliche to many because we underestimate their power and use it as formality. Today I would like to encourage you to say them as you meant it from your heart, 'Thank you'. As I get up in the morning I have millions of reasons to thank the Almighty. Thank you God for the good night rest, thank you for the new day, thank you for my breath, thank you for the water to bathe, thank you for my wife, my daughter and their love. Thank you for my parents and my siblings and their support. Thank you for my job, thank you for the transport that takes me to and fro. Thank you for my boss, superiors, colleagues, juniors and all at work place. Thank you for the challenges I face today for they make me strong. Thank you for the unfavorable circumstances surrounding me for you trust me to overcome them. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Thank you for your goodness and mercy carries me through. Thank you, Thank you...! 

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